On October 6, 2006 at 1:00 in the afternoon, Friends of Libraries in Oklahoma, FOLIO, dedicated the Sequoyah cabin as an Oklahoma Literary Landmark. It will be added to the national Literary Landmark Register. The support of the Cherokee Nation was a major factor in making this a wonderful celebration. They supplied the delicious traditional lunch and many member of the nation came out to enjoy a perfect day. Principal Chief Chad Smith and Michael Wallis added both serious and joyous remarks. The Cherokee Youth Choir brightened the day even more. The Friends of the Muldrow Library were the hosts for the FOLIO Board at its meeting in the morning. The Sallisaw Chamber of Commerce with the help of Sequoyah County Friends of Libraries hosted the reception following the dedication. The text of the plaque which now can be seen beside the door to the site, is as follows:
This historic log cabin was the home of
Sequoyah, the Cherokee genius
who developed the syllabary
that brought literacy to his people.
This home, built by Sequoyah's own hands,
is designated a Literary Landmark
by Friends of Libraries U.S.A. |
OCTOBER 6, 2006 |
Sponsors for the Sequoyah Site
Friends of Libraries in Oklahoma -- The Cherokee Nation -- Eastern Oklahoma District Library System -- Friends of the Muldrow Public Library -- Friends of the Stanley Tubbs Memorial Library -- Friends of Libraries USA -- Oklahoma Center for the Book -- Oklahoma Center for Poets and Writers -- Oklahoma Department of Libraries -- Oklahoma Historical Society -- Oklahoma Library Association -- Sallisaw Chamber of Commerce -- The Will Rogers Memorial -- World Literature Today.
The Oklahoma Literary Landmark Steering Committee
Michael Wallis, Author, Chair -- Julia Brady Ratliff, FOLIO, Co-Chair -- Richard Allen, The Cherokee Nation -- Dr. Bob Blackburn, Oklahoma Historical Society - Betty Boyd, Tulsa Friends, FOLIO -- Glenda Carlile, Oklahoma Center for the Book - John Cary, Rogers County Historical Society -- David Draper Clark, World Literature Today -- Denyvetta Davis, Metropolitan Library System -- Beverly Dieterlen, Tulsa Friends, FOLIO -- Clare Delaney, Metropolitan Friends -- Emily Dunagin, McAlester Friends, FOLIO -- Eugene Earsom, Okage -- Steve Gragert, Will Rogers Memorial -- Wayne Hanway, Southeastern Library System -- Marilyn Hinshaw, Eastern Oklahoma District Library System -- Guy Logsdon, Smithsonian -- Lynn McIntosh, Chickasaw Library System -- Carol McReynolds, Metropolitan Friends, FOLIO -- Susan McVey, Oklahoma Department of Libraries -- Teresa Miller, Oklahoma Center for Poets and Writers -- Karen Neurohr, Oklahoma State Library, FOLIO -- Bethia Owens, Sequoyah County Libraries -- Shari Parks, Woody Guthrie Coalition -- Judy Randle, Tulsa World -- Tom Terry, Shawnee Friends -- Roberta Thomason, Sallisaw Friends, FOLIO -- Irene Wickham, Tahlequah Friends, FOLIO -- Harlene Wills, Tahlequah Friends, FOLIO -- Phyllis Yargee, The Cherokee Nation.